Just finished getting Google Firebase working in my app. Normally this is pretty easy, and I was able to run the sample code Google provides after a few minutes work. But alas, my project isn’t structured anything like the sample code. So after installing Android Studio 3.0.1, converting my project to use that and Gradle 4.1, figuring out all the external static library building and linkage stuff (apparently there are now 3 or 4 different ways to do static libs with NDK), and building an analytics framework so I can abstract it out and use multiple analytics backends, I can finally send real analytics messages from my game to Firebase. Wheeee!!!!
It actually wasn’t all that bad to implement, and it feels good to see it working. Plus it feels good to know my project is back on the most up-to-date(ish) build toolchain again.
Next week I should have a more art-centric #screenshotsaturday post.